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Daily Horoscope of Friday 19th January 2024

खबर चितवन

खबर चितवन

Aries (Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li, Lu, Le, Lo, A)

For Aries, today is the time to start creative work. A delicious meal was enjoyed amidst the merry gathering. Past success will encourage you to do more. A new job offer will come.

Taurus (E, U, A, O, Ba, B, Bu, Be, Bo)

Today will be moderate for Taurus people. Even if the opportunity comes, think before you start working. You have to bear the responsibility of work that does not have financial benefits. Opportunists will try to trick you. For others, costs may increase. Do not trust those who show hope.
Gemini (ka, ki, ku, dh, ng, ch, ke, ko, h)

Today is an auspicious time for Geminis. Increase in income will bring enthusiasm. There will be special benefits in profession-business. If the daily needs are fulfilled, the goal will be easily achieved by hard work. Partnership will benefit.
Cancer (he, hu, he, ho, da, di, do, de, do)

Today is also a moderate time for those with Cancer sign. Due to poor health, the expected achievement was not achieved immediately. Stopped work should be repeated. The work may not be done at the expected time. Pay attention to privacy as there is time for your information to go out.
Leo (ma, mi, mu, me, mo, ta, ti, tu, te)

For Leos, today is the time to start working, but it's time to explore possibilities. Hard work today can bring name and fame in future. Support from friends will give you courage. Plans can be implemented that will have lasting benefits. Social responsibility will increase.

Virgo (to, p, p, p, p, p, n, th, pe, po)

Today will be a good time for those born under the sign of Virgo. The mentioned work will be edited soon. Helpers will encourage. There will be many benefits in business as well. You will be able to make a good impact in your field. It is time to earn fame and fortune.

Libra (Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te)

Health will be good today for those with Libra zodiac sign. Meeting with loved ones will make the day enjoyable. There may be travel related to business. There is time for wandering and entertainment. Time to shop for consumer goods. Changes in lifestyle can be made. You will be treated as a guest.
Scorpio (To, Na, Ni, Nu, Ne, No, Ya, Yi, Yu)

Today may be normal for Scorpios. If those who give assurances will bend, the situation can also lead to an awkward situation. A habit of working in vain will waste effort. Old speeds can also cause malfunctions.
Sagittarius (Ye, Yo, Bh, Bhi, Bhu, Dh, Fa, Dh, Bhe)

Good news will bring enthusiasm for Sagittarius today. The intellectual field will widen. Hard work can lead to a prestigious job. Gurujan's guidance in studying will be helpful.

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